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Frequently Asked Questions

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Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”Do You Ship Internationally?” _id=”291105″][kc_column_text _id=”850576″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?” _id=”991718″][kc_column_text _id=”668588″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”What is included in the theme package ? ” _id=”836921″][kc_column_text _id=”695270″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”Will your template be fully compatible with WordPress ? ” _id=”166022″][kc_column_text _id=”895248″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”What Payment Methods Are Accepted?” _id=”635097″][kc_column_text _id=”727708″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”Is Buying On-Line Safe?” _id=”91525″][kc_column_text _id=”178677″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”How do I place an Order?” _id=”547767″][kc_column_text _id=”523001″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?” _id=”391635″][kc_column_text _id=”593186″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”How to setup this theme ?” _id=”808999″][kc_column_text _id=”905310″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][/kc_accordion][/kc_tab][kc_tab title=”Payment” _id=”455332″][kc_accordion _id=”862162″][kc_accordion_tab title=”Do You Ship Internationally?” _id=”665224″][kc_column_text _id=”85039″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”Is Buying On-Line Safe?” _id=”391114″][kc_column_text _id=”864478″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”What is included in the theme package ? ” _id=”718507″][kc_column_text _id=”778314″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”Will your template be fully compatible with WordPress ? ” _id=”62245″][kc_column_text _id=”246396″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”What if my purchase doesn:apos:t arrive within the hour?” _id=”341712″][kc_column_text _id=”843274″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”What Payment Methods Are Accepted?” _id=”738453″][kc_column_text _id=”201932″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”How do I place an Order?” _id=”505357″][kc_column_text _id=”558856″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?” _id=”296805″][kc_column_text _id=”31489″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?” _id=”940834″][kc_column_text _id=”5771″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”How to setup this theme ?” _id=”705579″][kc_column_text _id=”350050″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][/kc_accordion][/kc_tab][kc_tab title=”Orders & Returns” _id=”971623″][kc_accordion _id=”89890″][kc_accordion_tab title=”How do I place an Order?” _id=”732287″][kc_column_text _id=”680453″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”Do You Ship Internationally?” _id=”725455″][kc_column_text _id=”175980″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?” _id=”235287″][kc_column_text _id=”571902″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”What is included in the theme package ? ” _id=”922637″][kc_column_text _id=”216788″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”What if my purchase doesn:apos:t arrive within the hour?” _id=”576555″][kc_column_text _id=”719541″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”Will your template be fully compatible with WordPress ? ” _id=”826349″][kc_column_text _id=”554086″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”What Payment Methods Are Accepted?” _id=”169199″][kc_column_text _id=”650992″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”Is Buying On-Line Safe?” _id=”826687″][kc_column_text _id=”857690″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?” _id=”606416″][kc_column_text _id=”817585″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title=”How to setup this theme ?” _id=”430427″][kc_column_text _id=”826374″]Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12:00pm EST (excluding holidays) are shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12:00pm EST or holidays are shipped the next business day. Orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship out the following Monday (excluding holidays). Please note: at this time Saturday delivery is not available.[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][/kc_accordion][/kc_tab][/kc_tabs][/kc_column_inner#][kc_column_inner# width=”35%” _id=”696996″][/kc_column_inner#][/kc_row_inner#][/kc_column_inner][/kc_row_inner][/kc_column][/kc_row]